Stroke Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy Physical therapy (PT) involves treatment that focuses on prevention of injuries or disabilities. PT helps to relieve pain, promote healing, and restore function and movement. TENS for Back Pain Learn what the TENS machine is, why it is used to treat back pain, how it works, and much more.

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What is back therapy?

Physical Therapy Physical therapy (PT) involves treatment that focuses on prevention of injuries or disabilities. PT helps to relieve pain, promote healing, and restore function and movement. TENS for Back Pain Learn what the TENS machine is, why it is used to treat back pain, how it works, and much more.

Neck Pain

Neck pain or a stiff neck are extremely common can affect your life in so many different ways. Whether it be sharp neck pain, dull muscular aches, headache, or an inability to fully move your head, a sore neck can be very frustrating yet it's simple to fix in the majority of cases.

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Knee Pain

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Heel Pain

Heel pain is a very common foot complaint and may involve injury to the bone, fat pad, ligaments, tendons or muscles.

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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain and injury are common. Your shoulder is the most mobile of all your joints. Just think about how much it can actually move. The reason for this movement is a very small joint contact zone. This essentially means that your shoulder is quite unstable. That is why your shoulder muscles are so vital to a normally functioning shoulder. In most cases, if you are suffering shoulder pain it is because your muscles are simply not strong enough or they are uncoordinated.

Post rib Fracture

Shoulder pain and injury are common. Your shoulder is the most mobile of all your joints. Just think about how much it can actually move. The reason for this movement is a very small joint contact zone. This essentially means that your shoulder is quite unstable. That is why your shoulder muscles are so vital to a normally functioning shoulder. In most cases, if you are suffering shoulder pain it is because your muscles are simply not strong enough or they are uncoordinated.

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Cerebral Palsy Children

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a common cause of childhood disability. It is defined as a group of nonprogressive but often changing motor impairment syndromes secondary to lesions or anomalies of brain arising in early stages of its development. Although the damage is non-progressive, the clinical picture changes as the undamaged nervous system develops and the child grows. It can also be defined as a non-progressive neuromotor disorder of cerebral origin. Cerebral palsy includes a group of heterogeneous clinical syndromes of variable severity ranging from minor incapacitation deficits.

Parkinson's disease

A person with Parkinson’s Disease may be experiencing several symptoms at the same time; your history taking and physical assessment should elicit the main issue(s) to prioritise as part of the management strategy. Whilst physiotherapy concentrates on the physical manifestations of a disorder, don’t forget to pay attention to how their other symptoms impact on the person’s lifestyle. Remember also that optimal outcome is achieved through the collaboration with others from a team of health and social care professionals with expertise in other domains of Parkinson’s, from volunteers, family and friends

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Weight Reduction

Follow a calorie-controlled balanced diet. Diet is just as important as exercise in losing weight. The USDA recommends that most men and women consume between 2000 and 3000, and 1800 to 2400 calories per day, respectively, to maintain weight, depending on age, weight and activity levels. Start in the middle of these guidelines, and adjust your intake according to your weight loss progress. Base your diet around lean proteins like meat, fish and low-fat dairy products, carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and fats from nuts, seeds and healthy oils like olive oil.

Obesity Management

Obesity is the prescence of excess fat, in the form of adipose tissue, which is stored subcutaneously and viscerally. Clinically this is most often measured using the body mass index (BMI), where BMI = weight (Kg) / height (m2). Adult weight can then be categorised as detailed in Table 1. BMI is also used to classify childhood weight status, however childhood BMI score must be compared to age- and gender-specific centiles.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systematic autoimmune inflammatory disease and results in persistent inflammation of synovial tissue especially of the wrists, hands and feet. Individuals with RA are 8 times more likely to have functional disability compared with adults in the general population from the same community. The structures around the joint can also be affected, like the tendon sheath, the bursa and tendons. This pathology causes pain, stiffness in the morning and after periods of inactivity, joint swelling, weakness, fatigue and restricted joint mobility leading to reduced function. Without treatment RA can lead to irreversible damage, namely deformity and finally provoke considerable physical functional loss or even permanent disability. Thus, RA causes dramatic interference with quality of life if early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are not obtained


According to JAMA more than 10 million Americans are affected with knee osteoarthritis.Most commonly affecting a population age 45 and greater this condition occurs as the cartilage in the knee wears away eventually causing bone on bone contact between joint surfaces. Most common complaints include joint swelling, joint stiffness, and pain. Knee osteoarthritis can be diagnosis via radiographs indicating boney cysts, narrowing joint space, and scelrosing of the bone.

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Facial Palsy

The VIIth cranial Nerve has its nucleus in the Pons, and takes a rather winding route before exiting the skull through the stylomastoid foramen. It then passes through the parotid gland, splitting into 5 branches: Temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular and cervical.

Lumens Disc Prolapse

A disc prolapsed is often referred to as a slipped disc, however please do not worry as your disc cannot “slip” anywhere. Think of your discs as shock absorbers between the vertebrae of your spine. What actually occurs, is the thick gel-like nucleus in the middle of the disc bulges out through a tiny fault in the fibrous disc wall. This small bulge of nucleus can therefore irritate and compress the nerve root causing pain, which may radiate down the leg. There are different types and severities of disc prolapse, which can be seen in the diagram below.

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Cervical Disc Prolapse

A disc prolapsed is often referred to as a slipped disc, however please do not worry as your disc cannot “slip” anywhere. Think of your discs as shock absorbers between the vertebrae of your spine. What actually occurs, is the thick gel-like nucleus in the middle of the disc bulges out through a tiny fault in the fibrous disc wall. This small bulge of nucleus can therefore irritate and compress the nerve root causing pain, which may radiate down the leg. There are different types and severities of disc prolapse, which can be seen in the diagram below.